Hey! you have landed on this section of my personal blogs which indicates your willingness to know about me. So without any ado let's start the blog...
Who am I? You surely wouldn't know about me if you have not visited my profile before. Formally, we should start this session with an introduction. I am Rupal Bohra and I am from Pithoragarh, a small city in the hills of Uttarakhand, India. My love for writing cannot be explained and that's how blogging has become a crucial part of my day. Yes! I write every day with no regrets... I use this line quite often that writing is my rescue from the world's distress and trust me it's 100% true!!
How we met? Ha...Ha... Don't worry! I am talking about blogging. Let me tell you, the relation between me and writing has gone through very tough times. Just like two persons who never know they would be together forever. But gradually I found writing essays and articles at school to be very attractive. It became a source of fun for me. And that's where the habit of writing diary entries started and soon the journey took a turn towards blogging and I am sure that's a lot more in the way.
Me and food... Wait! Rupal is talking about herself so it can't happen that she doesn't bring food in between.
Food has such great connections with me. I don't know how you are with food but as already told I am the one who doesn't wanna leave any cuisine untouched on this earth. Great focus on: Momos are my all-time favorite.
I love... talking with different people, love making new friends and the most attractive and best part of it is that I love listening to their stories. Every new person you meet can give you thousands of new memories and a ton of life lessons. For me, the connections you make with people are everlasting and cannot be broken at any cost.
Travel... I would ask you to stay connected with me because there's a lot more coming towards you. But the one thing that's most exciting is the travel blog. Personally, I love traveling. It doesn't matter if you are visiting a very big historic place or even the tiniest undervalued place. According to me, wherever you travel, the connection you make with the place is something that can make you fall in love with the process of traveling and will give you the true essence of it.
I am going to travel a lot and when I say a lot it truly means a lot. And have faith, I am gonna take you all together through my blogs. So, just stay connected is what I can say.
Life and Music... The one thing that connects the world is MUSIC for sure. Music is something that's going to make you fall for it so hard that you would never wander to escape. What I have noticed is that whatever be the music type and whichever be the song, trust me if you listen to it well often, you will not regret whistling the same song that once you used to hate. That's according to me is the power of music.
So, that's it! That's what I am! This is all that defines me and builds me up. I hope this would give you a small glimpse of me and my world. Let's finish this personal blog with a goodbye and a giggle on face.
Thank you, Mr. Reader for giving time to my blogs.
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